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Together for digital inclusion, everyone should join!

A younger and an older lady looking at something out of the picture together

Digi Rogaland partners with Norwegian Smart Care Lab, Kakadu and Sensio to ensure safe use of mobile security alarms. Testing with potential users is already underway.

This article was first published on the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster website and can read here.

DigiHome project

Digi Rogaland has received a grant from the Ministry of Local Government and the District to work on increasing digital participation and expertise. The purpose of the grant is to establish low-threshold tutoring offerings for people with little digital expertise. In this context, the DigiHjem project was created, and the Norwegian Smart Care Lab has been given the role of project manager.

Collaboration with Kakadu and Sensio

Digi Rogaland has established a partnership with Kakadu, where training materials in Kakadu's solution will be developed and tested, with the goal of helping residents who are struggling digitally. Kakadu has developed recipes that will provide users with step-by-step guides so they can learn how to adopt new technologies.

The project explores whether municipalities with digital recipes can save time and resources when it has been adopted to adopt location technology for a family where someone is affected by cognitive impairment. Sensio's mobile security alarm (Safemate) has been chosen as the welfare technology solution for which guidance materials will be developed. It should be fully tested and evaluated by the summer of 2024.

The value of testing

We have conducted testing with potential users. The purpose of these tests is to further develop the service in cooperation with users. The testing includes step-by-step review of the solution, followed by joint dialogue to collect feedback. These dialogues have revealed what worked well, but also some challenges, which are valuable in the development process.

Involving users in the testing is crucial to ensure that the solution meets their actual needs and expectations. Involvement can help create a sense of ownership and increase satisfaction with the final product. This can also increase the likelihood that users will adopt and continue to use the solution in the long term, as it is tailored to their needs.

Sahra fra NSCC sammen med testdeltaker Jan Salve Torgersen
Sahra from NSCC together with test participant Jan Salve Torgersen

“When launching new products or solutions, it is almost necessary that some users have tested it. The fact that NSCL offers companies a user panel of qualified users is useful for continuous product development. It is important to constantly develop and get feedback from the market before proceeding with production”, says Jan Salve Torgersen (one of the test participants).

Everyone has to go!

In today's digitized world, access to digital resources and services is essential to fully participate in society. This includes access to education, job searching, government services, health information and social networks. Without access to digital tools and skills, individuals and groups can be excluded from vital resources and opportunities. The DigiHome project is about promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of their digital expertise.